Dr. Alvaro Cunha, director

Then and so…

We began our journey in 2004 seeking to describe an indigenous language from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. We did not have neither a name nor any other ambition, solely the love for descriptive linguistics. In 2013, some students approached us asking whether we could teach them to describe a language. We considered the request both slightly bold and at the same time interesting. After some months we decided to give the students linguistic training. We worked with them successfully, and in the following year more students came to us wishing to receive the same training in descriptive linguistics. Once again, the result was positive. We kept the course without amendment until 2023, when we redesigned all the framework curriculum so that we could be aligned with the needs of our public as well as with the latest trends in linguistic theories.

… here and now.

With the descriptive linguistics course thoroughly updated and our database upgraded, we want to share with our students that the gramma institute of linguistics has its headquarters in the USA. We work online, and our focus is not only on the languages of the world, but also the people of minorities, namely those without resources who are willing to receive training in descriptive linguistics. Our mission is to educate as many people as we can, and to bring literacy to those financially deprived. Our program has been growing as more students from around the world are attracted to both the seriousness and dedication of what we do. In addition, the /gil/ supports research as well as offers free literacy programs to indigenous communities, develops orthographies of unwritten languages, works teaching Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Latin, and many other academic initiatives which go further beyond that of linguistics.

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